Biohacking with Andreas Breitfeld on Bayerischer Rundfunk

Germany’s best-known biohacker opens his lab in Munich for Bayerischer Rundfunk and explains what biohacking is all about: self-optimization!

If lifestyle changes alone are not enough to make you feel better, it is possible to improve your well-being, quality of life and performance enormously through various applications such as cold and breathing training, light and aromatherapy and, above all, spirovitalization with Airnergy.

We are very pleased about this informative contribution with Andreas Breitfeld – of course, the Airnergy Avant Garde cristal spirovitalizer could not be missing in the video.

Click here for the BR report and video: STATIONEN: Atmen, Angst und Adrenalin (the topic of biohacking is discussed from minute 03:07):

Andreas Breitfeld Biohacking im BR Fernsehen